Dear Parents and Carers,
Goodness, what an interesting term it’s been! How ‘normal’ kept changing, and with the latest news and local numbers still rising rapidly, I can see that our normal will keep changing as we go into the new year! As we approach the end of 2020, a year none of could have predicted in any way, I want to send a huge heartfelt thanks to all of you. Thank you for supporting us by working with us and following the new rules and expectations. Thank you for ensuring that your child comes to school each day and for trusting that we are doing everything we can to keep them (and you and your families) safe. Our attendance this term has been fantastic, despite the challenges of COVID, we have an overall attendance of 96.78%, which is fabulous. Thank you also for your kind words of appreciation and thanks during this time. They really do mean a lot! As 2020 draws to a close, I expect like many of you, I have reflected a lot on the past year. Despite its challenges and personal losses it has made me really realise how very proud I am of Wooden Hill School and what a truly special place it is. My favourite half an hour each day is seeing all of you coming in to school and I burst with pride when I think about how, as a school community we have pulled together to get through this pandemic that we could never have predicted. Together we can face anything that 2021 brings us!
Of course the run up to Christmas was completely different this year. The staff team were AMAZING as they adapted to new ways of celebrating and showcasing the children’s talents. I do hope you have enjoyed watching all of the songs that the children prepared for you. The links are below. Well done to Year 2 who did a wonderful film of the Nativity. I know they worked hard on it and learnt lines at home, which made it even more professional. Thank you also to Owl class who re-wrote the 12 Days of Christmas which most classes were able to learn and perform. In class bubbles the children have also enjoyed the panto and had fun at their class parties. Of course, the children loved the visit from Father Christmas too!
Below are some pictures of the Christmas dinner in bubbles that the children enjoyed yesterday. It was absolutely delicious and great fun.
This term we have done a fair bit of fundraising – as you know we had the sponsored read and the Bags2School collection but more recently we have raised a massive £550 from the Christmas cards and £704.50 from the online hamper auction. Thank you so much for supporting the school and for spreading the word.
Wishing you all a wonderful winter break and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Best wishes,
Mrs Lagares