Year 6 Roundup
We have been extremely busy since returning from our fantastic residential trip and the children have been working very hard in their learning. In maths we have begun our fractions topic, looking at simplifying fractions and comparing and ordering them in size. This is a difficult concept but we are enjoying the challenge it presents and celebrating our successes.
In English we have been focussing on a current world topic: climate change. We have used Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough as our inspiration, watching several of their speeches at the UN Conference and the Climate Change Conference, and have written persuasive letters this week demanding action is taken to help prevent the damaging effects that could happen in the years to come. We are enjoying reading ‘Street Child’ as our class book and this week looked at what life was like for children in the workhouse. We decided that we are pleased these workhouses no longer exist and school is a better option!
During our topic lessons, we have been learning about the Industrial revolution looking at the differences canals and rivers made to transportation and energy production, alongside the invention of the first steam engine and railway network.
We have enjoyed our PE lessons – particularly gymnastics- as many of us overcame our fears and became confident at jumping from the springboard onto the top of the vault.
Click here to keep up with all the Year 6 news.