Dear Parents and Carers,
It's hard to believe it's only been a month since I arrived at Wooden Hill. Thanks to the warm welcome I have received from children, parents, staff and Governors alike it already feels like home and that I am part of the Wooden Hill family.
It has been great to be able to talk to so many of you each morning or afternoon and I hope that if we haven't spoken yet we will be able to during parents evening which will be taking place in the last week of this half term- a specific letter will be out soon with more details of how to book an appointment. After the challenges of the last few years I feel it is vitally important that we build strong relationships throughout the school community and one of the best ways to achieve this is through face to face conversations- so we look forward to welcoming you into school for these meetings.
The aim of this meeting is to discuss how the children have settled in and re established learning routines and behaviours. For those children who have a recognised learning need and are on our SEN register we will be offering you an additional meeting shortly after half term for you to discuss your child's IEP with the class teacher so you know what specific areas of focus they are working on.
It has been great to restart a programme of after school clubs again and we hope to grow this over the course of the year. There are still some places available so if your children are interested in joining please do sign them up. If you have suggestions of other clubs we could run, or source external providers to deliver, please let me know and I will see what we can do (no promises yet though!)
I loved my half a week away with Year 6 this week. By the time you read this they will have returned (and will probably be asleep) after an amazing week away. They all overcame fears, conquering challenges along the way whilst creating great memories with their friends!
A huge thanks to all the staff who attended - giving up their own time and time with their families to give the children this great opportunity.
Throughout this year we will be hosting a number of workshops and drop in sessions which you may wish to attend so see some lessons in action - keep your eyes peeled for more information soon.
Finally I am keen to engage formally with parents on a regular basis and therefore would like to start a parent forum who will meet with me once each half term as a group. If you are interested in being the representative for your class then please let the office know your name and the class your child is in. If we have a lot of interest the role could be shared.
Kind regards
Mr Garner