Dear Parents and Carers,
In my last letter I mentioned our sponsored read which was taking place over the half term holiday. We have been utterly blown away with the support and generosity of the school community. The sponsored read made a whopping £3694.80. Lots of children raised lots of money in the sponsored read, but a few children made over £100 and they deserve a special mention and thanks. Leading this, is Finn in Beaver class who raised an enormous £500. This is a fantastic achievement by Finn and below is a collage of pictures of Finn enjoying reading lots of books to his family. Thank you Finn! Special thanks also go to:
Olivia in Deer class - £220
Samuel in Rabbit class - £170
Cyndey-Rae in Rabbit class - £120
Kyra in Beaver class - £105
Oliver in Nursery’s Squirrel class - £105
Daniel in Kite class - £100
Ella in Vole class - £100
Joshua in Linnet class - £100
Shaan in Crossbill - £100
Of course, thank you to all the children who took part. During the INSET day in January, the teachers in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One will be sorting through the reading book and aligning them to the Read, Write Inc phonics scheme that we use. The money raised will be used to purchase new books to support early reading and if there is any money left, we will look to enhance the books in KS2 and in the library.
On the subject of fundraising, you may well have noticed the mountain of bags that we collected for our recent Bags2School collection. Thank you to everyone who supported us with this, this raised a much needed £266. Easy money for your old clothes! Don’t forget another easy way to support the school is by making Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile. Simply go to and select ‘Wooden Hill Home School Association’ and a small percentage of every purchase through amazon smile is given to the school. Don’t forget that next Friday, 4th December is the deadline for donations for the class coloured hampers. Details of the auction will be given out the following week so that you can get bidding! It is not a silent auction as I said in my letter, instead the auction site that we use will notify you when you have been outbid.
Thank you to all of the parents and carers who started wearing masks while on the school site for the duration of the second lockdown. Your support and co-operation is much appreciated in these unprecedented times. Even though Bracknell has not been placed in the highest tier, which is a great thing for many people and businesses, after much consideration, as a school we are going to maintain the higher levels of protection for the remaining weeks until the Christmas holidays as we do not want to take any risks as tier two is ‘high’ risk. By doing this, we hope that we can make a difference, however small, in keeping the infection rates low in our area. I am therefore asking that you continue to wear masks while on the school site and as before, continue to maintain a 2m distance from others who you do not live with. In school, we will remain cautious and staff will continue to wear face covering when outside of their classrooms or offices or interacting with other staff.
Apart from a few little bits and pieces which will be completed over the Christmas holidays, the building works are now completed. Our school looks wonderful with bright and airy classrooms, lovely corridors and nice new toilets. We are just finishing off putting away resources and furniture into their new homes. The final stage of the building work was the refurbishment of the toilets that were the Key Stage Two toilets, as these were awful. all classes now have assigned toilets that they use and these final ones were opened on Monday morning. I was deeply upset to learn however, that on Monday, in one of the brand new toilet cubicles, an intentional act of vandalism had taken place. A large scribble, about 15cm2 has been drawn on one of the walls with a pen. Mr Munden will attempt to remove it tonight (the cleaners did try on Monday but it wouldn’t come off) and if it can’t be removed, the entire panel will need to be replaced, costing the school several hundreds of pounds. I would be really grateful if you could reiterate to your children the importance of respecting the school environment and that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our school is well looked after.
This term we have welcomed a new member of staff to the teaching team. Miss Rees has joined the team and will be joining Miss McGowan in Chaffinch class from January. They will be sharing the class and this will allow Miss McGowan to return to teaching PE to other classes. Also joining the teaching team from January is Mr Clarke. Mr Clarke will be joining the year 6 team as well as providing creative learning opportunities in other year groups. This half term we said goodbye to Mrs Hill who has moved on to new ventures and at the end of term Mrs Wood will be leaving us to work in a school closer to home. We would like to thank them both for their contribution to the school and wish them well in their new roles. This has created a couple of vacancies in our school. Further details below.
Best wishes,
Mrs Lagares