Dear Parents and Carers,
Goodness, what a busy half term it’s been! The children adapted brilliantly to the new routines and have settled into the new normal of learning. Thank you so much for working with us and our new routines and expectations to keep the school safe. We have just completed a review of the risk assessment and a few minor changes have been made. The review did raise the issue that there are a small number of parents gathering outside KS1 classrooms, particularly at the end of the day. It is really important that parents do not gather, so as soon as you have collected your child you leave the school site promptly. A member of the senior leadership team will be outside from after half term to monitor the situation and to request that parents move on.
Thank you also for your co-operation and support last week when we were filming our promotional video for the school. The video is amazing and we are really pleased with it and we hope you think so too. It is available to view on our website and you can view it by using this link Due to COVID, we have been unable to have prospective parents in school for our open mornings so we hope that this video will go some way to show parents how wonderful our school is. If you are able, we would very much appreciate it if you could share the link to our website, and the video, and tell people about our wonderful school and hopefully, prospective parents will choose Wooden Hill School for their child. If your child is in Nursery and will be 4 this academic year, please don’t forget to apply for a school place at Wooden Hill School. Even though your child attends the Nursery, you still need to apply for a place through school admissions.
As you know, reading is really important to us at Wooden Hill. We believe that reading underpins the curriculum and we want children to group up to be enthusiastic and committed readers. Many of you will remember that in the summer of 2019 myself and several teachers read ‘bedtime’ stories that we put on the website for your child to enjoy. This half term, Mrs Sawford is keen to provide more opportunities for children to listen to stories and to develop a love of reading and books. Further details from Mrs Sawford are below. To kick it off, below is a link to me reading a story which links to the virtual assemblies that I have been doing this half term. I have focused on smiling and laughing and how our words and actions can make other people feel good too. There is a half term challenge for children as the middle pages of the book are missing! If children want to write the missing bit, they can either bring it in after half term or even better – if it could be emailed to the new reading email address (see Mrs Sawford’s bit) or uploaded to your child’s google classroom and the teachers will let me know that it is there.
This week brought the first children to my office for a prize for completing the first side of their bookmark. Well done to Shaan in Year 4 who was the first person this academic year. It is wonderful to see so many children reading enthusiastically at home. Don’t forget that we are asking children to do a sponsored read over half term. We are in desperate need of new books in KS1 and sadly, we do not have any money in the budget to purchase new books. The more we can raise, the more good quality books that we can purchase for our school.
On the subject of fundraising, please don’t forget to clear out your wardrobes over the half term holiday and bring in all of your unwanted clothes, shoes, handbags and accessories for our Bags2School collection by Monday 23rd November. Last time this raised the school over £300! We really need as much support in fundraising as possible and are very grateful for your support.
After half term our new Family Support Advisor, Laura Branchett will be starting at Wooden Hill School. She will be in school every day as she is also our new Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support Worker and will be working with children in the afternoons. Laura will be available as the Family Support Advisor during the following times:
- Monday 8.30 – 11.30 and 3.15pm – 5.15pm
- Tuesday and Friday 10am – 11.30am
Should you need any support or guidance, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with her.
Mrs Hill, who has worked across the school as a Teachers’ Personal Assistant for the last 2 years and more recently in the Year 6 bubbles will be leaving in November as she is moving on to pastures new. We will all miss her very much and wish her all the best in her new role.
Finally, as always; thank you for your on going support. I hope you have a wonderful half term break and a well-deserved rest. I look forward to seeing you on Monday 2nd November.
Kind regards,
Mrs Lagares
PS. Don’t forget the clocks go back this weekend!