Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to this year’s first edition of the Wooden Post. To reduce the number of communications that you receive, we have decided that for the time being, we will issue the Wooden Post on the last Friday of the month.
I mentioned this in my welcome back letter, but it is truly wonderful to once again have our school buzzing with the sound of children. They have all settled in well and are now really used to the new routines and changes that we have put in place to protect us all. Thank you to all of you too for following our new rules and expectations when dropping off and collecting your children. The feedback from parents is that the windows for drop off and collection are working well and the one way system is also working well. There are a couple of tight spots around the school; particularly outside Greenfinch and outside Reception. Please continue to ensure that you distance from other parents in these areas. Thank you also for using the boxes outside classes to distance yourself from staff; they very much appreciate your support and co-operation with this. There have been a few questions around the expectations of parents wearing facemasks while on school site. At the moment the government do not expect parents to wear facemasks while dropping off or collecting children. As we have effective measures in place in our school (the windows, the one way system and the expectation that all parents distance) we do not need to enforce this, at this time and wearing of face masks remain optional while outside. We do insist that you distance from other parents, children and staff and that if you wish to speak to a member of staff or come to the office then you must wear a face mask or covering.
Now that we are more used to the routines of our COVID safe school, I am keen to bring back a sense of community (also because I really miss seeing your wonderful children each week!). Sadly, we cannot have assemblies of any sort. However, I am going to hold a virtual whole school assembly on Monday. If I can make this work effectively and IT doesn’t fail me, I will hopefully be able to introduce the Star Award Assembly in the next couple of weeks. Following on from that, our Key Stage leaders will also be able to introduce virtual assemblies.
You may recall that a few days before we broke up in the summer I asked if any talented parents could help make some chair bags for us. I have been utterly blown away with the overwhelming support to make this happen. In the end, we have managed to have a chair bag made for every child in years 1-6 which has saved us an absolute fortune. More importantly, it has once again demonstrated what a supportive community that we have. The volunteers are made up of parents, grandparents, parents of staff, staff as well as an incredibly kind volunteer who actually has no link to the school.
Thanks goes to:
Mr & Mrs Prior
Mrs Lonergan
Miss Branchett
Mrs Clarke
Miss McGowan’s mum
Mrs Bradley
Particular thanks goes to Katrina Sheppard, who has no links to the school but very kindly offered her skills and talents to help us. She usually makes wonderful quilts so took on this very different challenge. She has a Facebook page called Crafted by Katrina or @KbyKatrina.
Some of the easiest money that we made in the summer was with the Bag2School initiative. We are running this again, with the collection in November, more information is attached. Please help us raise some much needed funds for the school! Another company are also supporting our school by giving us a % of all funds raised in the selling of hand sanitiser holders for bags. Further details are below.
Finally, following a busy week of interviewing we are thrilled to be welcoming a number of new people to the staff team over the coming few months. Joining us shortly is Laura Frost who will be working 1:1 with a child. Karen Skinner, who is not new to us, has successfully been appointed a new role, also working 1:1 with a child. Successfully appointed in two roles is Laura Branchett. She will soon be joining us as our Family Support Advisor (FSA) and in our new role, as our Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Support Worker. We are thrilled to be welcoming them to the team and to their new roles.
As always, thank you for your continued support of the school.
Kind regards,
Mrs Lagares