Dear Parents and Carers,
Goodness me, what a strange year we have had and one that we will never forget! As always, I am incredibly proud of our community who have adapted and responded to the almost daily changes that needed to be made. This was all done with positivity and a smile and helped along by some delicious cakes and lots of kind words.
As the school year draws to a close there are a few staffing changes for September. Next week we will say goodbye to Mrs Binnie, Miss Robertson and Mr Massey who are all moving on to pastures new. We would like to thank them all for their hard work and commitment to the school and for the difference that they have made in our children’s lives. They will all be very much missed and we wish them all well in their new ventures. Last week we welcomed back Mrs Brown from maternity leave and in September we are also welcoming back from maternity leave, Mrs Sawford. Joining the teaching staff team will be Mrs Parker who will be forming a job share with Mrs Brown.
Attached is the list of classes, teacher and support staff for the autumn term. You will notice that we have a new class, Linnet Class. This has been created for this year only, in order to reduce class bubbles to less than 30 children and to not have mixed year group classes.
If you have been in to school you will see that the building work has begun. We have been eagerly awaiting these much needed adjustments to our school and so I was very excited when the works started as there was no turning back! The internal works will be completed by the end of August and the classroom extension is due to be completed in October. We are all really excited to welcome children back to our lovely new classrooms in September.
As this is my last newsletter of the academic year, I would like to wish our Year 6 children all the very best as they make the big step from primary to secondary school. I am looking forward to seeing them all (from a distance, of course!) on Monday afternoon to say goodbye properly. Parents and carers, I won’t see you so would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of our school and wish you and your family, all the very best in the future. You will be very much missed! There are a few other children leaving Wooden Hill as their families are re-locating to other parts of the country and the world. I wish you all the very best in your new schools.
Have a wonderful summer. Please take care and we are all looking forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 1st September at 9am (link to be sent at the end of August) for the meet the teacher meetings via Zoom and then parent consultations. Children return on Thursday 3rd September (new Nursery and new Reception, please refer to previous letters for your child’s settling sessions) for the start of another a new normal.
Best wishes
Mrs Lagares