Star Awards
Congratulations to the following children who were awarded certificates for their achievements last week.
5 June 2020
Darius (Wooden Hill) - for your amazing paper models; an airplane and a lion statue!
Zac (Squirrel) - for persevering with learning letter sounds and developing letter formation.
Theo (Vole) - for trying really hard with his maths home learning and doing lots of exercise on his walks and in his swimming pool.
Harry (Otter) - for always being so bubbly and cheerful. Every week, we enjoy speaking to you on the phone and hearing about all the lovely activities you are doing at home.
Adam (Beaver) - consistently put a lot of effort into all of his home learning tasks that have been set.
Ivy (Rabbit) - for working conscientiously and completing lots of set tasks. We are very proud of her!”
Oscar (Deer) - for fully engaging in his home learning and always trying his best!
Lucas (Greenfinch) - for writing an amazing poem about his favourite animal, the wolf, before half term.
Timmy (Chaffinch) - for highlighting a very important issue of racism and how we need to stand together to build strong, happy communities.
Phinny (Woodpecker) - for your great description when drawing and labelling a setting for the story of Skellig.
Jacob (Kite) - for writing a very commercially persuasive advert, encouraging Mr Billers to buy his house cleaner product.
Gabriella (Owl) - for continuing to work creatively at home, from paper craft, to textiles, to food technology