Dear Parents and Carers,
What an exciting week! We’ve had a wonderful World Book Day. It was lovely to see you all dressed up as your favourite characters. The entries for the book review writing competition were amazing. Well done to the winners.
Mrs Lagares
Friends of Wooden Hill School Update
The meeting scheduled for Thursday 12th March has been postponed while we formalise the structure of the Friends Association. We are looking for someone to support us in constituting. If you have, or know someone who has, experience in this, please contact the school office.
Road Safety
In the interest of safety and despite several reminders, can we ask that you do NOT use the school gate entrance to turn your cars around. This has been seen on several occasions this week!
Term Dates 2020-21
Please note that the term dates for the 2020-21 academic year will be published later this week and will be available to view on the school website.
Celebration Assembly
Congratulations to the following children who were awarded certificates for their achievements last month.
Jack B, Buddy O, Kyra I, Rowan M, Taimoor M, Jacob P, Elysia B, Thomas G, Evan G, Xavier B, Matty G, Dolly May D, James W, Ellis W, Eddie D-L and Kayleigh P.
Kash B, Bonnie N-B, Ella N, Tamika J-E, Mia H, Archer N, Toby M, Joshua S, Timmy B, Jaden A-B, Grace G, Louie D, Joshua M, Megan K-S, Alfie D and Emily H.
Super Star:
Skylie A, Adonaiyah T-E, Lara D, Florence G, Megan H, Riley W, Oscar B, Olivia H, Carmen K, Leo L, Olly W, Miles B, Willow W and Sophie C.
World Book Day
On Thursday the whole school celebrated World Book Day.
This year, we based our learning for the day on a book called 'Flotsam' by David Weisner. This book is a picture book about a boy who goes to the beach to find flotsam (anything floating that has been washed ashore). On this particular day, we finds an underwater camera which we takes to be developed in order to reveal the images on it.
In the afternoon, we gathered as a school to see the learning that had taken place. Incredibly brave children from each year group stood up and explained what they had been up to with regards to the text, Flotsam. It was great to see what the children had been up to and to see the progression from Reception to Year 6.
At the end of the assembly, we gave prizes for the homework set: to write a book review for your favourite book. The winners in each phase were:
EYFS - Jake M
KS1 - Daisy C
LKS2 - Ellie L
UKS2 - Elizabeth D
Reception Roundup
The children's focus this half term is ‘Are vegetables healthy’. This lends itself well to planting and growing, looking after ourselves, our bodies and minds, as well as looking for signs of Spring! In our garden we have looked at the daffodils and crocuses, buds on the trees and listened to the birds tweeting, we all think and hope Spring is coming soon!.
Continuing on with the theme our story focus has been the Enormous Turnip, and the children had great fun acting out and retelling the story.
The children planted beans and have been writing instructions independently on how to plant the seeds, and they have been watering and waiting for them to grow.
Everyone had fun on Thursday for World book day. The children all looked wonderful in their outfits! The focus book was called ‘Flotsam’. It was a picture book without words, giving the children lots of opportunity for talk. The children were able to make their own ideas and observations, and look at the story through their own eyes and make their own interpretations.
Year 1 Roundup
In Maths we have been developing our confidence with numbers up to 50. We have looked at using a hundred grid square to find one more and one less. We then looked at comparing groups of objects and numbers using the symbols greater than, less than or equals to.
In English we have been enjoying a new story ‘Emma Jane’s aeroplane’ which is linked to our new topic title ‘Where in the World’.
In topic we have started our new topic ‘Where in the World’. The children been looking at the local area, where the school is located, discussed addresses and did some fieldwork around the school and then used this information to make our own map of the school, creating an Ariel view.
The children enjoyed dressing up yesterday for World Book Day and got to look at the story 'Flotsam, and listened to two stories from other teachers in the school. The class then used the story to create their own underwater scene, looking at what the camera in the story could have seen.
Year 2 Round Up
This week, Year 2 have decided to seize the opportunity to re-teach the children about good hand-washing. Whilst this is something taught in every year at Wooden Hill, and constantly ensured, we thought it would be fun to do some experiments with the children to really highlight the importance of good hygiene.
Today, we started an experiment using pieces of bread to explore this. We had four different pieces of bread, one untouched, one touched by all the children after playing outside, one touched after washing with hand sanitiser and one after washing hands properly with soap and water for the correct amount of time.
As well as this, we used glitter to replicate 'germs' to teach the children about this. Mrs Nunn covered her hands with 'germs' (glitter) and spread the 'germs' around the classroom during the afternoon. The children had no idea!
Year 3/4 Roundup
Beech Team celebrated World Book Day with some great activities:
The children looked at the book Flotsam by David Wiesner and started the day by talking about what flotsam is and identified it using clues in sensory trays.
Later in the day we then created our own picture in a picture, similar to photographs in the Flotsam story.
Year 5 Roundup
In English, Year 5 have started to look at extracts from J. K. Rowling's Fantastic Beasts. The children have been practising using semi-colons to mark lists, which have extra detail added in relative clauses, while describing different beasts. They have also looked at how they can upstage their vocabulary choices.
In maths, the children have been continuing to practise subtracting fractions with different denominators.
In science this half-term, the children are finding out about life cycles. This week, they learnt about reproduction in a flower an to help develop their understanding, the children dissected daffodils.
Year 6 Update
Following half term Year 6 started their new topic of World War 2. The children are incredibly engaged and are loving the learning, whether it's history, geography, art or English.
In English the children have been learning about the beginning of the war (including Neville Chamberlain's announcement of the war in 1939). From this, they have written balanced arguments as to whether or not they believe it was right for Great Britain to go to war with Germany.
In geography and history, the children have learnt about the allies and axis and have had a go at placing them on a world map. In addition to this, they have learnt when, why, and how the war started and how that all led to the Blitz.
In art, the children have created silhouette images of London during the Blitz. The images depict London on fire after an air raid.
On Thursday, the class celebrated World Book Day with the rest of the school. The children in Year 6 were investigating the book 'Flotsam' by David Wiesner. Flotsam can be defined as 'things which float and wash up ashore'. From this, the children began to discuss environmental issues and then by working in groups they created a piece of work about an environmental issue which they feel strongly about. This took many forms: a spoken news report, a fact file of information or a poster to help save the planet.
The children had a great day and looked brilliant in their costumes!
~ Notices and Reminders ~
School Calendar
Please check the calendar on the school website for future dates and events. You can subscribe to our calendar by clicking the “Subscribe” button. By doing so, this will display all events on your phone or tablet.
The Beehive
The Beehive Breakfast and After School Club run wrap around care, at Wooden Hill School.
Registration and bookings can be made by clicking the link below:
Please contact Queen Bee, Kerry, if you require any further information:
Tel: 07769 881946
Email: woodenhillbeehive@gmail.com
Y6 - Owl Class - Easter Experience
12:30pm – 3:15am
Trip to St Michael's Church for an Easter Experience.
Girls Football Tournament
9:00am – 1:00pm
at Easthampstead Park Community School
Louis Taylor road safety roadshow Y3-Y5
1:30pm – 2:15pm
Hockey Festival Years 5/6
11:00am – 3:15pm
Birch Hill Recreation Ground
Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School
Staplehurst, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8DB
T: 01344 421117 E: secretary@office.woodenhill.bracknell-forest.sch.uk