Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for supporting our Christmas Fundraiser last week. It was a real success, raising a whopping £2120.90 profit ! If you are interested in getting involved with Friends of Wooden Hill, the next meeting will be in January (date to be confirmed).
Christmas has now really arrived at Wooden Hill. As always it was a real joy to watch the Foundation Stage Christmas Performances of “The Sleepy Shepherd”, which has now got us all in the mood!
Next week we are saying goodbye to Mrs Ashdown but are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Steel, who is returning from maternity leave.
Don’t forget that we are doing our annual Carols on the Astro next Thursday at 2.45pm (weather permitting). Please do come along and join in the festive singing.
Have a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Your sincerely,
Mrs Lagares