Dear Parents / Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful break and a very happy easter. I look forward to seeing you after the holidays.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs J. Lagares
This week we have said a fond farewell to Miss Pitcher who is leaving us to continue her career in a pre-school setting of an independent school. We wish her the very best in her new role and I know that she will be very much missed by both the pupils and staff. Miss Pitcher will be replaced by Mrs Saunders when she returns from maternity leave in June and in the interim, Mrs Atkinson will be increasing her days to cover this period.
Thank you very much to the parents and staff who gave up their time to help on Saturday with clearing the old garden patch by the side of the Astroturf. If you were unable to come and lend a hand on Saturday, our next Tidy School Day is set to be on the 15 June. However, it is quite possible that we may run an additional day in order to assist with the launch of the Garden Project – please keep an eye out for more news on this.
A communication went out earlier this week regarding the Gardening Club which Miss Pitcher has set up and established. This will continue to run on a Wednesday lunchtime from 12.30 – 1.00 and will be run by Mrs Hill, who is a self-confessed gardening enthusiast. If any parents are able to volunteer to help or can donate any seeds, bulbs, gardening tools or equipment this would be greatly appreciated. The work of the club is very much beginning to pay off as the garden areas are looking beautiful as we move in to spring.
Congratulations to the Year 6 children for having the highest attendance, at 97.51%. The whole school attendance for the year so far is 96.22%.
In response to the parent survey which was sent out in January, I am pleased to report that we will be re-introducing the newsletter as of now. This will be brief and will in time have links to the news on the class pages as well as relevant and up to date notices and a forthcoming dates.
Beech Team's Egyptian Day
On Monday 1 April, all of Beech team were invited into school as Egyptians. All the children dressed up and completed numerous Egyptian based activities such as; making the eye of horus, making a sarcophagus and learning to write our names in Egyptian! It was a great day, that the children thoroughly enjoyed!
Year 1's April Fools Day Joke
Instead of our normal morning challenge of practising common misconception words, Miss Smart and Mrs Kelly thought they’d play a little trick on Year One!
They found some ‘joke’ word searches which didn’t contain any words!
The children had a brilliant go at working them out, and didn’t once complain about the word search being really difficult! They worked silently, and focused really well...
The teachers then asked the children what day it was, many replied “Monday!”
All the children took the joke really well, and now think the teachers are hilarious!
Year 4 Healthy Eating!
On Thursday 21 March, the Year 4 children were lucky enough to have chefs from Penny Hill Park come in to teach them about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and how taste works!
World Book Day
We were very pleased to see all children really taking part, and dressing up as their favourite book characters. We had lots of Matilda's and various characters from Harry Potter. We had a lovely day discussing how important and exciting reading is.
The children loved the opportunity to hear other teachers read stories, and enjoyed spending time with children from other year groups. Some of the Year Ones even ventured up to Year Six!
Our activities throughout the day were based on 'The Journey' by Aaron Becker. The children selected images from the text, and wrote pieces of creative inspired by it. In the afternoon they a imagined they had a door to a mystical place (like in the text) and drew what they thought could be behind it. These were then sent home, so please discuss your child's ideas with them.
We all had a great day.
The new play frame is proving to be a great success with the children and they are loving being able to play on it. Many thanks to Sam at Pentagon Play for sharing the photo's and to all who helped and supported the Enterprise Week and Fun(draising) Day that helped to raise the money needed to fund the project.
School Meals
Please be aware that the price of a school meal will cost £2.30 from September 2019.
Summer Uniform
At Wooden Hill we do not have a set date when children can start wearing summer dresses / shorts. This is entirely at the discretion of parents. As the children in Foundation Stage are outside for much of the day, it is essential that all children in Nursery and Reception bring a sunhat or cap which will protect their heads and faces from the sun’s rays. Please make sure that it is clearly labelled with your child’s name. In Years 1 – 6 children should bring a sunhat or cap to wear while outside during playtime and lunchtime when the sun is shining and this must be labelled also.
Contact Details
If you have moved, or have changed your telephone number or email address, please could you let Mrs Squires know as soon as possible so that we have up to date contact details for you, should we need to.
School Calendar
As we enter the summer term, which is always the busiest with many things going on, please could I encourage you to sync the school calendar on the website to your phone or mobile device. All dates for the year are put on the school calendar as soon as we have them and any new dates added straight away. These include dates such as Sports Day, reports go out etc. It is particularly busy for Year 6 so Miss Wright has sent out a separate letter with dates for the diary.
Car Park Gates
Over the last couple of months there have been several occasions where the high winds have meant that we couldn’t use the electric car gates. The wind effects the magnets which make the gates work which means that we have to disarm the electric arm, otherwise it can break. We also have to open the gates on a Monday morning for the refuse collection which may come before the office staff are in.
If the gates are open, please do not cut through the car park as there is not pedestrian access as it unsafe due to the cars, the parking (where staff need to double park reducing visibility and space) and the uneven surface. For safety purposes, please ensure that the footpaths only are used. I would like to reassure you that the site remains safe, even when the car park gates are open. The side gates are locked so there is no access to the back of the building and the only access is through the front door, which is a security door.
Please Remember to Park Considerately
Despite several reminders, we still have some parents / carers that are not parking considerately. Where possible we encourage that children walk to school. However, should you need to drive to school, please ensure that you park considerately and safely. This will help make sure that we keep congestion to a minimum, maintain good relationships with the school’s neighbours and most importantly help keep children safe around the school.
Due to various complaints recently, we will be contacting the local Police Community Support Officer again to inform them of this matter and we will also be outside monitoring the situation and you will be asked to move if you’ve parked or stopped where you shouldn’t.
Thank you for your co-operation.
First Day of Term Doors open 8.40 / start 8.50
All Day
School Closed for Polling Day
8:50am – 3:15pm
Bank Holiday - School Closed
All Day
Last Day of Term - Finish normal time 3.15
All Day
Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School
Staplehurst, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8DB
T: 01344 421117 E: secretary@office.woodenhill.bracknell-forest.sch.uk