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Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

Welcome to our Nursery


Meet Our Team

Mrs Millman Lead Teacher
Mrs Bushell Teacher
Mrs Wilcock Early Years Keyworker
Mrs Cottrell Early Years Keyworker 
Mrs Findlay Early Years Keyworker
Mrs Bond     Early Years Keyworker (mornings)

Our Nursery

Wooden Hill Primary School has been running a very successful Nursery for over twenty years. 

We are excited to be able to provide a new flexible Nursery, more in keeping with busy, modern lives. This as an excellent opportunity to enable children to commence their education in close association with our school from the age of 3.

We understand that deciding on Nursery provision for your child is a challenging task for many parents, and many factors need to be taken into consideration. We aim to provide the best possible start to each and every child's educational career: promoting independence and confidence; monitoring and developing key personal and academic skills; celebrating and modelling core values and nurturing a love of learning. The skills and values that we will promote will prepare every child for transition into Primary School.

Unlike other Early Years settings, Wooden Hill School Nursery is led by a fully qualified teacher and nursery nurses, and supported by teaching assistants. We are offering flexible provision and parents can choose sessions comprising of either morning or afternoon sessions or a combination of both. These sessions start at 8.55 am (drop off from 8:40) until 11:55 am and then from 12.15 pm until 3.15 pm. Pupils who stay all day will require a packed lunch. 

Every three year old is entitled to a maximum of 5 funded sessions, though parents may request additional sessions and pay a fee for the time over and above the funded hours.  We also have places for children who are in receipt of the government's "30 hours funding". Session times are as follows:

Morning 8:45 am - 11.45 am

12.15 pm - 3.15 pm

All day 8:45 am - 3:15 pm

If you would like more information about Wooden Hill Nursery, please contact the school office on 01344 421117 or email 

Please note, obtaining a place at Wooden Hill School Nursery will not give children priority for a place at Wooden Hill Primary School. However, we aim to develop all children. All parents will have to complete the Bracknell Forest Admissions forms for a Primary School place at the appropriate time.