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Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School

Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School


Our Mathematics curriculum equips pupils with tools that include the ability to calculate securely in all four operations, a comprehensive understanding of the number system, problem-solving skills, and the ability to think in abstract ways. It is designed to enable children to learn key skills, practise, consolidate and apply them and then to master them. Children learn about Mathematics wherever possible in a context so that they understand how it relates to real life.

During the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum, Mathematics forms part of many interactive learning experiences. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of Mathematics through play, exploration and discussion. They learn to count, read, write and order numbers to 20 using songs and rhymes, which is extended to 100 and beyond during The National Curriculum in Key Stage 1. They work with shapes, learning their properties; use language to give positional clues and compare quantities, identify and recreate patterns. Mathematics in EYFS is very practical and includes indoor and outdoor learning.

During Key Stage 1, Mathematics lessons are designed to be fast-paced and enable children to calculate mentally as fast as they can. In their main lesson, they learn how the number system works and learn strategies for calculating with all four operations. Additionally, they learn about shape and space, through practical activity which builds on their understanding of their immediate environment. They develop their use of Mathematical language, using it to talk about their methods and explain their reasoning when solving problems.

During Key Stage 2, children move to calculating fluently with all four number operations, moving to formal traditional methods throughout the Key Stage. Children use a wider range of Mathematical language and expected to articulate their reasoning about Mathematics clearly, using precise mathematical language. A large focus is on problem-solving and in all areas of the Mathematics curriculum, problem-solving skills are developed and built upon.