School Uniform
- Grey school trousers / skirt (any brand)
- White polo shirt (with or without logo) / shirt / blouse
- Royal blue sweatshirt / cardigan / jumper - with or without logo
- Grey / white socks or tights
- Black school shoes
PE Uniform
- Royal blue t-shirt with logo
- Black tracksuit bottoms (plain)
- Black PE shorts (plain)
- Black hoody (with or without logo - no other logos, images or patterns permitted)
- Trainers or plimsolls
- Reception and KS1 require a book bag. Please do not use rucksacks and other large bags as our cloakrooms cannot accommodate them.
- Autumn 2020 - PE kits must be worn to school on PE day
- Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied up at all times and accessories should be fitting with school uniform and functional. Large bows and other accessories are not permitted.
- Earrings must be small, plain studs. These must be removed for PE.
Uniform Suppliers
- Gooddies are our uniform supplier.
- Wooden Hill have teamed up with Labelplanet who provide “Stikins” personalised name labels. By using the link below, the school can get benefit by receiving 30% commission back from all purchases. When ordering please ensure you quote our fundraising number 25745.
To order visit: www.stikins.co.uk
Orders can also be made via telephone: 01270 668076