Welcome from the Headteacher
Thank you for showing an interest in our school. Wooden Hill School is a welcoming and inclusive school set in the heart of its local community. A close partnership between all involved ensures that we work hard to provide a happy and safe environment where all can achieve their full potential.
Our Vision is for everyone associated with Wooden Hill is to be for the next stage in our journey - pupils, staff and the community.
We aim to achieve this by nurturing people who are Respectful, Empowered, Active, Dedicated and Yourself.
When the time comes for our pupils to leave, we aim to ensure they have the skills they need to be happy, healthy and successful learners open to future experiences.
Please take a look around our website (we are constantly updating at the moment!) but the best way to get to know our school is to come and take a look - tours can be booked via the school office.
Ian Garner
Designated Safeguarding Lead