Star Awards
Congratulations to the following children who were awarded certificates for their achievements this week and last.
1 May 2020
Ella (Wooden Hill) - for her confidence which has grown and for her artistic flair that she has shown this week
Zachary (Squirrel) - for going on a bug hunt in his garden and understand how important it is to take care of living things.
Alfie (Mole) - for exploring his own maths learning at home and now being able to recognise and order numbers to 20.
Daniel (Vole) - for his perseverance in writing at home, its not something that comes easily to him and he and his mum have done a sterling job.
Max (Otter) - for trying really hard with his reading and challenging himself with harder stories.
William (Beaver) - for trying really hard at home with his phonics sounds this week. He also made a fantastic house out of Lego for his DT project!
Jacob (Rabbit) - for sending lovely messages to the class and Miss Smart through google classroom-brightening their days and making a huge effort to complete home learning to a brilliant standard!
Finnley (Greenfinch) - for posting some amazing work but has also invented games to help practise his times tables including times table tennis and times table football!
Charlie H (Chaffinch) - for sharing marvellous work on our Google Classroom. He has also posted a lovely photo of a Mayan Human Sacrifice Temple - which he skilfully made using lego .
Ellie (Crossbill) - of her positive attitude and the effort she is putting into all of her work.
Isabelle (Crossbill last week) - for having a really positive attitude towards her learning and other activities!
Madison (Jay) - for completing all of her work (with help from her big sister) and using Google Classrooms effectively. She has also neem really polite and this has continued during weekly calls – it has been a pleasure talking to her.
Skyla (Woodpecker) - for showing great independence and resilience with all your learning this week.
Emily (Kite) - for her amazing artistic flair, when designing and creating her magical door, using a variety of mediums.
Stanlee (Owl) - forhis newspaper report titled ‘A Stranger From Above’, where he used the full success criteria and a wide range of vocabulary to write an engaging report.
7 May 2020
Grey (Squirrel) - for finding the hidden letters all over his house and using them to spell out his name.
Finn (Mole) - for trying really hard to apply his new phonics in his writing and has been writing sentences.
Sienna (Vole) - for practising with her maths abacus to help her with her numbers every day and for riding 6 miles on her new bike!
Samuel (Otter) - for putting so much effort into producing a fantastic leaflet on Houses and House. Your teachers were very impressed with your neat drawing and writing and for including so much detail!
Cameron (Beaver)
Cameron has been very busy at home helping to cook lots of yummy meals for his family.
Isla (Rabbit) - for being a resilient learner, trying her best with her maths this week, whilst helping little brother Beau with his school work too. A teacher in the making!”
JJ (Deer) - for working so hard. Miss Bolton and Miss Smart shed a tear of joy when they read your work.
Daniel (Greenfinch) - Daniel had a tricky start to last week but was really strong and brave and still completed all his work. Along with his home learning this week, Daniel has been playing times table games at home and is also learning to speak Spanish!
Harry (Chaffinch) - for his cheerful and purposeful outlook. He is organised and keeps himself busy - whilst encouraging others to do the same with his videos and photos on Google Classroom.
Caiden (Jay) - continued to challenge himself to try the reasoning activities in maths and include a range of sentence structures in his writing.
Ellis (Woodpecker) - for your amazing tie dye creations! Thank you for sharing with Year Five and inspiring us all to be creative during lock-down.
Bonnie (Kite) - for using her artistic flair to create some fantastic bunting and posters ready to celebrate VE Day on Friday.
Millie (Owl) - for keeping on top of all of her work and producing an informative and persuasive science document to help her mum understand why exercise is so important.