Dear Parents and Carers,
It was a real pleasure to hand out the certificates on Tuesday in our monthly celebration assembly to the children in years 1 -5. Usually the whole school, including Nursery, attend this assembly and the children enjoy the ‘theme tune’ music which is played as they enter and exit the hall. This year’s theme tune is ‘Hall of Fame’ by The Script. Each month a child in each class or group receives a maths Award, a Writing Award or a Superstar Award. The reason for the Superstar Award is read out and can be for anything, from determination to kindness. Well done to all the children who received an award on Tuesday (names below) and I look forward to seeing the whole school for our next Celebration Assembly at the start of November.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Lagares
Celebration Assembly - 1 October 2019
Congratulations to the following who were awarded certificates for their achievements last month.
In MATHS congratulations go to Henry, Amalie, Remy, Cameron, Nathan, Oliver, Leon, Willow, Kai, Isabelle, Phoebe, Ellis, Oscar, Ian and Olivia.
In WRITING congratulations go to Evie-Rose, Darcey, Peyton, Max, James, Logan Drew, Emma, Ashlynn, Jamie, Skye, Jacob, Lexie, Caitlin and Lexie.
For being an all-round SUPERSTAR, congratulations go to Lia, Jake, Kacper, William, Akira, Riley, Charlie, Dolice, Alex, Frey, Katy, Skyla, Amelia and Megan.
Governors Required
Are you interested in helping the school to provide the best offering to ensure that child achieve their full potential? Governors work as a team with the headteacher to raise the standards of achievement for all pupils at the school. We care passionately about giving our children the best a school can offer and ensuring each child develops to their full potential. School governors are made up of co-opted individuals representing the community, Local Authority appointees, parents and staff.
We’re currently looking for co-opted governors who can bring unique, professional skills to our team. If you would like to find out more on what governors do or would like to become a governor, please get in touch with Marco Ng, Chair of Governors, via the School Office.
Looking for a school place for September 2020?
We are running a series of Open Mornings and Stay and Play sessions for families looking for Reception places for September 2020. Please spread the word about our fantastic school!
Our next Open Morning is on Thursday 7 November, 9.30am.
Bookings can be made via the link on our website.
Click here to go to our Booking Page.
EU Settlement Scheme
Are you, or a member of your family, an EU resident? If so, you can apply now to the EU Settlement Scheme for free if eligible or choose to apply later depending on circumstances.
If you are an Irish citizen or have indefinite leave to remain you do not need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme.
The deadline for applying will be 30 June 2021, or 31 December 2020 if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.
You can apply using any device - for example, a laptop, Android device or iPhone.
Full information, how and where to apply and what documentation you will need can be found at: www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens-families/applying-for-settled-status
Reception Roundup
The reception classes continue to be busy and have been looking for signs of Autumn as well as learning new phonic sounds.
They have been collecting acorns and conkers and looking at the way the leaves in the trees are changing colour.
This week the children have been joining in with the story 'A squash and a squeeze', by Julia Donaldson adding expression to their voices.
Please continue to support your children with learning their phonic sounds by using the sounds sent home with your children.
Year 1 Roundup
In English the children have been focussing on the book 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy. They have learnt to retell the story with actions and to sequence the key parts by ordering the beginning, middle and end. This week they have been thinking about the sounds that might keep them up at night.
In maths they have been looking at place value and using phrases, such as more than or equals when comparing two numbers.
Year 2 Roundup
Miss Smart and Miss Bolton have been getting the children to practise counting in threes using a range of techniques such as adding three to the number in our head as well as counting two numbers silently in our heads and saying the third number aloud. Please help your child practise counting in threes at home, along with their twos, fives and tens.
Year 3/4 Roundup
Year Three and Four have held a debate to argue if they would like to live in the Stone Age or not. The children reasoned why they chose their side and backed up their answers while taking into account other people’s views and opinions. Following on from their debate they have been drawing Stone Age pictures, using charcoal! We first looked at some pictures for inspiration, a lot chose to include Stone Henge in their picture! "Our fingers got very messy when we were smudging!”
In maths, THEY have been looking at counting in 25s and negative numbers!
Year 5 Roundup
Year 5 have been very busy preparing for their class class assembly by writing poems, creating artwork and writing their own lines. They have really enjoyed sharing their work with their friends, family and loved ones and there was a fantastic turn out. Thank you to all who came to show support.
The art work produced by the children was a team effort. They were given an image in their group and it was cut into pieces. Each child then took a piece of the picture and recreated it using watercolours. Each team then put their pieces back together to match their original image.
~ Notices and Reminders ~
Nut Allergies
We have some children in the school that have severe nut allergies. We would like to remind you that we are a "Nut Free" school. No food products containing nuts should be brought into school at any time, this includes clubs after school. Please note this includes items such as Nutella and peanut butter.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Please Remember to Park Considerately Around Our School
Despite several reminders, we still have some parents / carers that are not parking considerately. Where possible we encourage that children walk to school. However, should you need to drive to school, please ensure that you park considerately and safely. This will help make sure that we keep congestion to a minimum, maintain good relationships with the school’s neighbours and most importantly help keep children safe around the school.
Thank you for your co-operation.
No Dogs Allowed on School Premises
Please can you refrain from bringing your dogs on to the school premises at any time, this includes carrying them in the school grounds.
Thank you for your co-operation.
No Smoking on School Premises
Please note there is no smoking allowed anywhere on the school premises, or in the alley way, it is not allowed.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Our next meeting regarding fundraising for the school is on Tuesday 8th October at 6pm, all are welcome.
Save the date – our Christmas Fundraiser will be on December 6th in the afternoon. Further details to follow.
Disco & Raffle
A disco has been booked for Friday 18th October. Further details to follow. The Year Two team have also arranged a raffle which will be drawn on this day. If you can support the raffle in any way, please contact either of the Year Two teachers; Miss Bolton or Miss Smart.
School Calendar
Please check the calendar on the school website for future dates and events. Did you know you can subscribe to the calendar by clicking the “Subscribe” button on the calendar page, it supports iOS, Android and Outlook.
View the calendar
By doing so, this will display all events on your phone or tablet.
School Lunches
Please note that if your child's lunch account is greater than £10.00, you will need to provide a packed lunch each day until the arrears have been cleared.
Parent Consultations
3:30pm – 6:30pm
Parent Consultations
3:30pm – 7:30pm
8:50am – 3:15pm
8:50am – 3:15pm
Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School
Staplehurst, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8DB
T: 01344 421117 E: secretary@office.woodenhill.bracknell-forest.sch.uk