Learning at Home
The focus of our home learning at Wooden Hill is on reading, spellings and learning of times tables. Please ensure that your child reads at home every day and that you sign their reading record daily to confirm that you have heard them read. It is also very important, as your child becomes a more independent reader, to talk to them about the books that they have read and the things that have happened in the text. Children of all ages also love to be read to. Reading to your child exposes them to new and interesting language and ideas, so please don't think that they are too old for a story!
In addition, the tabs on the side of this page give information about practising spelling at home as well as learning key number facts. It is very important that your child practises both of these key areas as often as possible. Every child has a log in for Spelling Shed to practise their weekly spellings and a Times Table Rockstars log in to practise their times tables. At the end of Year Four, the children undertake a Multiplication Check Test so the sooner they start learning their times tables and the quicker they become confident in recalling them the better.